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Future Continuous (Progressive)

Definition of Future Continuous:

Future Continuous tense is used to describe a verb or an action which is going to happen in future but has not happened yet. The nature of that action must necessarily be uncertain and at varying distance in future. Future Continuous also expresses planned intentions, parallel actions of future, imaginary scene of future etc.

Usages of Future Continuous:
  1. Future Continuous is used to describe a verb or an action which is going to happen in future but has not happened yet. The nature of that action must necessarily be uncertain and at varying distance in future.
    • Jeff will be writing articles on education.
    • The snow will be falling in December.
    • They will be enjoying a soccer match on Friday.
  2. To describe an action or an intention planned in the near future.
    • I shall be shopping in this mall tomorrow.
    • He will be attending a marriage function on Sunday.
    • Ellen will be writing her fictioal book by the coming week.
  3. To show multiple actions happening concurrently (at the same time side by side) in future.
    • When Peter is busy in his study, I will be travelling around the world.
    • While rich people are feasting, the poor will be starving.
    • While factory owner will be expecting honesty from workers, they are stealing food stuff.
  4. To portray a literary, imaginary or real scenario of future.
    • Everything will be happening accordingly, when the trials are held I shall be performing well that I shall be at a good chance of selection. When I am selectd I shall be enjoying worldwide fame.
Formation of Future Continuous:
formula of future continuous

formula of future continuous

Affirmative Sentences

In positive or affirmative sentences of Future Continuous Tense we use shall be, will be and ing form of verb. Shall be for first person (I,we), will be for 2nd and 3rd persons (he,she,it,they etc).

  • He will be expecting good grades in the exames.
  • The kids will be spoiling their clothes with the mud.
  • We shall be enjoying the concert tomorrow night.
  • When he stays in London, he will be staying with his friends.
  • John will be beating about the bush about his marriage.
Interrogative Sentences

In interrogative sentences of Future Continuous Tense we drag shall or will before subject and use ing form of verb. Shall be for first person (I,we), will be for 2nd and 3rd persons (he,she,it,they etc).

  • Will he be driving the car recklessly?
  • Will the children be breaking their toys?
  • Will the advice of the teacher be falling flat on students?
  • will Cucumber and carrot be selling in the market?
  • Shall I be welcoming my guests in hotel tomorrow?
Negative Sentences

In negative sentences of Future Continuous Tense we use not after shall and will and ing form of verb. Shall be for first person (I,we), will be for 2nd and 3rd persons (he,she,it,they etc).

  • The people will not be giving charity to the poor.
  • The president will not be backing out from his statement.
  • Head coach will not be inspecting the team performance.
  • Airplane will not be taking off due to bad weather.
  • Unusual changes will not be happening in the weather conditions.